1. Compiler virus, the virus is already in the executable so that it can compile directly. This is a virus that first appeared in the computer world, and is now experiencing rapid growth. Virs first be liquidated because it is very difficult to be made with low language, assembler. Indeed, this language is suitable to make a virus but it is very difficult to use. The advantage of this virus is capable of doing almost all the manipulation of which this is not always can be done by another type of virus because it is limited.
2. Virus File, is a virus that can take advantage of the file that diijalankan / executed directly. Usually the files *. EXE or *. COM. But it can also menginfeksi files *. SYS, *. drv, *. BIN, *. OVL and *. OVY. This type of virus can move from one media to any type of storage media and spread in a network.
3. Virus System, better known as a Boot virus. Why do so because the virus is utilizing the files used to create a computer system. Often found in the disk / storage space without us. Akan when using a computer (restart), then this virus akan menginfeksi Sector Master Boot and System Boot Sector if the infected floppy in the floppy drive / storage area.
4. Boot Sector Virus, the virus that utilizes the relationship between computers and storage area for the distribution virus.Apabila on the boot sector there is a program that is able to propagate themselves and can live in the memory during computer work, the program can be called a virus. Virus boot sector virus that is two to attack the virus and floppy diskettes and the partition table.
5. Dropper Virus, a program is modified to install a computer virus which is the target of attacks. once installed, the virus will spread Dropper but not spread. Dropper can be a file name such as Readme.exe or through Command.com that become active when the program began. One program can Dropper, there are several types of virus.
6. Virus Script / Batch, this virus was initially popular with the name of the virus batch as the first found in the batch file that is in the script usually DOS.Virus often obtained from the Internet because of the benefits of flexible and can run when we play on the internet, this type of virus usually stay the HTML file (Hype Text Markup Language) is created by using facilities such as script Javascript, VBScript, 4 and combination of the script to enable Active-X programs from Microsoft Internet Explorer.
7. Macro Virus, the virus that is made using the facilities in a modular programming, program applications such as Ms Word, Ms Excel, Corel WordPerfect, and so forth. Although this virus in the application there is a certain danger incurred but not less berbahanya-virus from other viruses.
8. Polymorphic virus, the virus can be said because the virus can intelligently change the structure so that after the difficult task of implementing detected by Antivirus.
9. Stealth virus, the virus uses a jockey, that is, modify the file structure for the program code meyembunyikan added. This code allows this virus can menyembunyika themselves. All other types of viruses also take advantage of this code. Size-the size of the file does not change after the virus menginfeksi file.
10. Companion Virus, the virus of this type of search for *. EXE file to create a *. COM file and copy to put a virus. The reason, run the file *. COM *. EXE file before.
11. Worm, this is a parasitic program that can duplicate for yourself. However, no worm-like virus because the computer program does not menginfeksi other. Therefore, the Worm is not classified to the virus. Mainframe is the type of computer which is often attacked Worm. Spreading through other computers on the network. Worm in the growth of the "genetic mutation" so that in addition to create a new file, it will try to glue themselves to a file, the virus is usually called Hybrid.
12. Hybrid Virus, the virus is a virus that has two abilities can usually go to the boot sector and can also go to the file. An example of this virus is a virus Mystic made in Indonesia.
13. Trojan horse, also called horse TROYA. Trojan Horse does not spread like the others. Therefore, the Trojan Horse virus although not quite the same characteristics. Trojan menginfeksi computer through a file that does not seem dangerous, and usually it seems to do something useful. However, eventually the virus to become dangerous, for example, to format hardisk.
Sabtu, 08 Agustus 2009
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