Jumat, 07 Agustus 2009

McAfee FIND DOMAIN dangerous

When surfing to a secure website, not all domains are equal. Inc. McAfee antivirus, anti-virus software vendor, says that companies that have the address listed on the website seem to have experienced a crisis when the security company owner of the address register in a particular domain. McAfee found that there are some domains that are considered dangerous to the user navigation, such as ". Hk" (Hong Kong), ". Cn" (China), and ". Info" (information).

Of all the dangerous domain, domain. "Hk", after dites by McAfee, the domain is to contribute 19.2% as the domain that dangerous or potentially dangerous to menibulkan for visitors. Temporary. "Cn" potentially dangerous and of 11.8%. "Info" as much as 11.7%. The remaining sites under the domain ". Com" ayg quite popular, has the potential of 5%.

Many of spam, writing code that is malicious code and cyber criminal while others appear to register a domain name request to refuse to register a site with the goal to improve profits and promotion company. However, McAfee has not been until now the company knows where to register the domain name.

In the McAfee report, Mapping the Mal Web, McAfee is trying to identify the domain that has a risk of dangerous sites with a high concentration. Server for the site with the domain. "Hk" and ". Cn" should not be in China so that the website operator can register sites from anywhere. Ang other domains such as risk. "Ro" (Romania) with a degree and 6.8%. "Ru" (Russia) with the risk of 6%.
A researcher from McAfee, Shane Keats, said, adding the site below. "Hk" and ". Cn" which is considered dangerous, were caused by data pengkoleksian by McAfee on the domain and in the process some of the register address is the company. McAfee report is based on 9.9 million websites in 265 domains dites Entry for malicious code, a pop-up or excessive form of which is a tool for the spammers to send spam email.

McAfee also find domain names that have little risk of harm, such as:

*. "Gov" (government use), with 0:05%.
* ". Jp" (Japan), with 0.1%
*. "Au" (Australia), with 0.3%

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