Kamis, 06 Agustus 2009

How Overcoming vbs Virus

Vbs or a virus known as "visual basic script" This is not foreign anymore karna program can be written with a very simple such as using "notepad", but due to the resulting virus is "tolerable luaRrrRr normal", so we must prevent the virus that vbs does not develop in our computer, how to prevent this aja.

Nah quiet aja triknya I have that can prevent this virus.vbs not breed our computer, note the steps below:

1. Open My Computer - Tools - Folder options
2. Then Click File Types, scroll down, find Extensi "vbs"
3. Change the default program used to open the file. Vbs by clicking the button "change"
4. We will see that I recommended the program to open the file. Vbs is "Microsoft (r) Windows Based Script Host", change it, scroll down a bit, search for "notepad" and click OK

With the change settingan above, each time we click / open the file berextensi. Vbs script virus written in the file. Vbs will not be executed directly, but will be displayed by notepad, before we can analyze what the function of the source code of the file. Vbs is whether this virus or not, of course, and the file will not menginfeksi our computer ... ... ...

There is a more Loh Extreme is to remove file.vbs Association, is the same as above, only when we find the file association. Vbs asosiasinya not change us by clicking the button change, but by clicking the "delete", so every time we click on the file. vbs, the box will appear "open with" to select the program that will be used to open the file. vbs is but you can mimilih notepad to view / change the source code of the vbs ...
* NOTE *

To the Extreme was fatal karana mendelete asosiasinya with us, we can not run a vbs file that berextensi karna us on the computer to run the vbs vbs we need associations, that time I never try, but how extreme is fit I want to run the file. Vbs does not want the road (hikshiks Sadly) I tried to restore the file association "vbs" to get berextensi vbs file that can be run without kembli need to use "Notepad" again, so is normal again before using the above trick, but I still aja udah memcobanya for restore the default association vbs again, this step:

1. Open My Computer - Tools - Folder options
2. Click New after the contents of the file name extension "vbs"
3. Click the Advanced to the association-we select the file type "VBSript" Script file - click OK
4. So we have finished making vbs associations such as the (default)
5. We replace the first chance to open it click - select "Microsoft (r) Windows Based Script Host" - click OK - Close.

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