Sabtu, 08 Agustus 2009

Virus script and Habitat types

Script virus (sometimes called a macro virus) generally embedded in the travel office automation and email documents, although they can be found on the web page also.

Old fashioned virus program is usually applied in the execution of system code, while the script is written, the virus is usually stronger in the high-level language that is compiled and running quickly. They often have sophisticated functions and interface directly to high-level applications such as word processing, spreadsheets, email, and web programs, and can cause loss of damage. Since they first surfaced in the office automation program, they sometimes also called "macro" viruses. Scripts can also spread the virus through the IRC protocol.

Microsoft computer, the switch in the script to check the virus protection is very important. However, please note that there is a performance related to a few applications. Various applications on Windows is written in Visual Basic, and real-time virus checking script can be twice the time required to perform the function normally. If you find that normal function of taking a lot of time to complete, you can try again for a while this feature is not active in the anti-virus checker - but do not forget to turn back after that!

On the threat. Following type of script virus at this time the most active and dangerous, on the Windows platform:

* Visual Basic is a powerful and flexible environment for Microsoft Windows, Office, and Internet applications. Script viruses are written in Visual Basic can run all the Microsoft architecture, to provide more range and power, and make them the main threat of viruses today.

The first broad Visual Basic Script virus Melissa, who was brought down from a few large international company for a few days in March 1999. Melissa travel document in Microsoft Word and run when the document is opened, then open the associated program Microsoft Outlook email, read a user's email address book, email and then sent a copy of itself to the first fifty names was found. He spread quickly.

Architecture Melissa virus is quickly followed by many variants similar programmed by hackers in the world, including the ground breaking kak, the first Visual Basic script virus that is triggered immediately after the email was opened. Kak, followed by BubbleBoy, which triggered the email even if viewed in the preview pane. A steady stream of Visual Basic Script virus continues to pay a visit to this day. There is also automatic, point and click program like vbs Love Generator hacker to help generate additional variants. Script virus that is used to send email to own other people is also a form of worm.

The term "macro virus" is used less often, and usually refers to the virus in the office automation macro applications, the most common Visual Basic macro in Microsoft Word or Excel document. Macro virus can cross the limit of the system from Windows to Macintosh computers with MS Office documents. Current versions of Microsoft Office contains a strong anti-macro to maintain protection against known attacks.

* ActiveX is one of Microsoft's distributed application technology that allows web pages to download the program quickly with the full power of each execution running on your machine. This makes ActiveX module particularly efficient and powerful, but also the security risk because they can create, modify, and delete files, add the code system program, or take any other action is allowed in your account on your computer.

To help reduce the risk, Microsoft network architecture provides encrypted certificates for ActiveX module. This gives the option to reject the download of unsigned ActiveX module that the author is unknown, and at least that reveal their identity module that you sign the receipt and if they cause problems. However, this approach is not universally accepted by the general user and professional security people, and sometimes called the "trust me now, trying to catch me later." Users using Internet Explorer on Windows computers should ensure that their browser security settings are set to "disable" for unsigned ActiveX applets, and for the "prompt" to sign the applet.

Hypothetical threat. Following script viruses are largely theoretical, but explained that they can appear anywhere there is script code:

* Java is a standard cross-platform development environment, and are often used to download the script to add functions such as hours or chat room to web pages. Java is written with a strong security to protect your computer and data sources, and so far has proven quite resistant to virus infection of the script. You can change the Java in your browser if you want to be extra careful, but will disable some functions on some useful web pages.

* JavaScript is a programming language web standards. JavaScript also has a well defined security model that protects data and resources, and some of the JavaScript virus that were found have been mainly in the theory of nature. You can enable JavaScript in your browser settings if you want to be extra careful, but it will disable the functionality on many web pages.

* MIME. The first script virus that is triggered immediately after the email was opened MIME is a virus that is applied to the version of Netscape Mail, Microsoft Outlook and Eudora Mail. In a variation on an old hacker technique, which is attached MIME has been given the name of a very long triggered a bug that allowed the end of the name that will be run as a series of instructions, which can then be written to run the virus. However, to fix the bug quickly developed for each vulnerable email programs, and viruses have MIME still hypothetical.

* Other. Some of the other scripting environment has also been a virus, including Corel Draw, hypertext preprocessor, Windows Help file, the installation of Windows, and Windows registry files. Anywhere there is a script interpreter have the opportunity to run the script viruses.

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